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NEW – GlassMaster Touchscreen OptionAre you in search of the perfect glass kiln or a kiln specifically designed for glass fusing projects? You're in luck! Explore our selection of high quality glass fusing kilns below- these models come equipped with a state of the art Wi-Fi touchscreen controller which is capable of both ceramic and glass firing programs.
For more information on the features and function of this innovative controller and it’s associated app please visit our Wi-Fi Touchscreen Controller page or click on the image below.
Entering A Glass Fire Mode Program On A KMT Controller These video walks you through the steps of programming a Glass Fire mode program on a KMT controller.
Side-Fired Production/Annealing Kilns For a very long time side-fired kilns were considered only good for annealing glass. Over the years this myth has proven to be false. Many artists and even glass manufacturers have discovered that all you need to do is slow down the firing a little bit and you can fuse and slump successfully on multiple levels. This allows you to get a lot of work in a very small footprint.
The below kiln models when paired with our Touchscreen Controller are suitable for glass fusing. If you need any assistance or advice, please don't hesitate to give us a call on 01782 319435 and we'll be happy to help.
Cromartie Hobbycraft Limited Park Hall Road Longton Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST3 5AY Tel: 01782 319435
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